How-to guides

Register machines with Omni

Create Etcd Backups

A guide on how to create cluster etcd backups using Omni.

Create a Machine Class

A guide on how to create a machine class.

Expose an HTTP Service from a Cluster

A guide on how to expose am HTTP service from a cluster for external access.

Create an Omni Service Account

A guide on how to create an Omni service account.

Create a Service Account Kubeconfig

A guide on how to create a service account kubeconfig in Omni.

Scale a Cluster Up or Down

A guide on how to add or remove nodes to a cluster with Omni.

Install and Configure Omnictl

A guide on installing and configuring omnictl for Omni.

Use Kubectl With Omni

Create a Cluster

A guide on how to create a cluster.

Create a Hybrid Cluster

A guide on how to create a hybrid cluster.

Create a Patch For Cluster Machines

A guide on how to create a config patch for a machine in a cluster.

Export a Cluster Template from a Cluster Created in the UI

A guide on how to export a cluster template from a cluster created in the UI.

Install Talos System Extensions

A guide on how to install Talos system extensions.

Install talosctl

A guide on how to install talosctl.

Manage Access Policies (ACLs)

A guide on how to manage Omni ACLs.

Restore Etcd of a Cluster Managed by Cluster Templates to an Earlier Snapshot

A guide on how to restore a cluster’s etcd to an earlier snapshot.

File an Issue

A guide on how to file an issue for Omni.

Run Omni on your own infrastructure

Using SAML with Omni