1 - Register a Bare Metal Machine (ISO)

A guide on how to register bare metal machines with Omni using an ISO.

This guide shows you how to register a bare metal machine with Omni by booting from an ISO.


Upon logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard.

Download the ISO

First, download the ISO from the Omni portal by clicking on the “Download Installation Media” button. Now, click on the “Options” dropdown menu and search for the “ISO” option. Notice there are two options: one for amd64 and another for arm64. Select the appropriate option for the machine you are registering. Now that you have selected the ISO option for the appropriate architecture, click the “Download” button.

Write the ISO to a USB Stick

First, plug the USB drive into your local machine. Now, find the device path for your USB drive and write the ISO to the USB drive.

diskutil list
/dev/disk2 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:                                                   *31.9 GB    disk2

In this example disk2 is the USB drive.

dd if=<path to ISO> of=/dev/disk2 conv=fdatasync
$ lsblk
sdb      8:0    0 39.1G  0 disk

In this example sdb is the USB drive.

dd if=<path to ISO> of=/dev/sdb conv=fdatasync

Boot the Machine

Now that we have our bootable USB drive, plug it into the machine you are registering. Once the machine is booting you will notice logs from Talos Linux on the console stating that it is reachable over an IP address.


Navigate to the “Machines” menu in the sidebar. You should now see a machine listed.

You now have a bare metal machine registered with Omni and ready to provision.

2 - Register a Bare Metal Machine (PXE/iPXE)

A guide on how to register a bare metal machines with Omni using PXE/iPXE.

This guide shows you how to register a bare metal machine with Omni by PXE/iPXE booting.

Copy the Required Kernel Parameters

Upon logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard. Click the “Copy Kernel Parameters” button and save the value for later.

Download the PXE/iPXE Assets

Download vmlinuz and initramfs.xz from the release of your choice (Talos Linux 1.2.6 or greater is required), and place them in /var/lib/matchbox/assets.

Create the Profile

Place the following in /var/lib/matchbox/profiles/default.json:

  "id": "default",
  "name": "default",
  "boot": {
    "kernel": "/assets/vmlinuz",
    "initrd": ["/assets/initramfs.xz"],
    "args": [
      "siderolink.api=<your siderolink.api value>",
      "talos.events.sink=<your talos.events.sink value>",
      "talos.logging.kernel=<your talos.logging.kernel value>"

Update siderolink.api, talos.events.sink, and talos.logging.kernel with the kerenl parameters copied from the dashboard.

Place the following in /var/lib/matchbox/groups/default.json:

Create the Group

  "id": "default",
  "name": "default",
  "profile": "default"

Once your machine is configured to PXE boot using your tool of choice, power the machine on.


Navigate to the “Machines” menu in the sidebar. You should now see a machine listed.

You now have a bare metal machine registered with Omni and ready to provision.

3 - Register a GCP Instance

A guide on how to register a GCP instance with Omni.

This guide shows you how to register a GCP instance with Omni.


Upon logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard.

Download the Image

First, download the GCP image from the Omni portal by clicking on the “Download Installation Media” button. Now, click on the “Options” dropdown menu and search for the “GCP” option. Notice there are two options: one for amd64 and another for arm64. Select the appropriate option for the machine you are registering. Now that you have selected the GCP option for the appropriate architecture, click the “Download” button.

Upload the Image

In the Google Cloud console, navigate to Buckets under the Cloud Storage menu, and create a new bucket with the default. Click on the bucket in the Google Cloud console, click Upload Files, and select the image download from the Omni console.

Convert the Image

In the Google Cloud console select Images under the Compute Engine menu, and then Create Image. Name your image (e.g. Omni-talos-1.2.6), then select the Source as Cloud Storage File. Click Browse in the Cloud Storage File field and navigate to the bucket you created. Select the image you uploaded. Leave the rest of the options at their default and click Create at the bottom.

Create a GCP Instance

In Google Cloud console select VM instances under the Compute Engine menu. Now select Create Instance. Name your instance, and select a region and zone. Under “Machine Configuration”, ensure your instance has at least 4GB of memory. In the Boot Disk section, select Change and then select Custom Images. Select the image created in the previous steps. Now, click Create at the bottom to create your instance.


Navigate to the “Machines” menu in the sidebar. You should now see a machine listed.

You now have a GCP machine registered with Omni and ready to provision.

4 - Register an AWS EC2 Instance

A guide on how to register an AWS EC2 instance with Omni.

This guide shows you how to register an AWS EC2 instance with Omni.

Set your AWS region


Creating the subnet

First, we need to know what VPC to create the subnet on, so let’s describe the VPCs in the region where we want to create the Omni machines.

$ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region $REGION
    "Vpcs": [
            "CidrBlock": "",
            "DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-0238fea7541672af0",
            "State": "available",
            "VpcId": "vpc-04ea926270c55d724",
            "OwnerId": "753518523373",
            "InstanceTenancy": "default",
            "CidrBlockAssociationSet": [
                    "AssociationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-0e518f7ac9d02907d",
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "CidrBlockState": {
                        "State": "associated"
            "IsDefault": true

Note the VpcId (vpc-04ea926270c55d724).

Now, create a subnet on that VPC with a CIDR block that is within the CIDR block of the VPC. In the above example, as the VPC has a CIDR block of, we can use

$ aws ec2 create-subnet \
    --vpc-id vpc-04ea926270c55d724 \
    --region us-west-2 \
    "Subnet": {
        "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c",
        "AvailabilityZoneId": "usw2-az3",
        "AvailableIpAddressCount": 4091,
        "CidrBlock": "",
        "DefaultForAz": false,
        "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false,
        "State": "available",
        "SubnetId": "subnet-04f4d6708a2c2fb0d",
        "VpcId": "vpc-04ea926270c55d724",
        "OwnerId": "753518523373",
        "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation": false,
        "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [],
        "SubnetArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:753518523373:subnet/subnet-04f4d6708a2c2fb0d",
        "EnableDns64": false,
        "Ipv6Native": false,
        "PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch": {
            "HostnameType": "ip-name",
            "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": false,
            "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": false

Note the SubnetID (subnet-04f4d6708a2c2fb0d).

Create the Security Group

$ aws ec2 create-security-group \
    --region $REGION \
    --group-name omni-aws-sg \
    --description "Security Group for Omni EC2 instances"
    "GroupId": "sg-0b2073b72a3ca4b03"

Note the GroupId (sg-0b2073b72a3ca4b03).

Allow all internal traffic within the same security group, so that Kubernetes applications can talk to each other on different machines:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --region $REGION \
    --group-name omni-aws-sg \
    --protocol all \
    --port 0 \
    --source-group omni-aws-sg

Creating the bootable AMI

To do so, log in to your Omni account, and, from the Omni overview page, select “Download Installation Media”. Select “AWS AMI (amd64)” or “AWS AMI (arm64)”, as appropriate for your desired EC2 instances. (Most are amd64.) Click “Download”, and the AMI will be downloaded to you local machine.

Extract the downloaded aws-amd64.tar.gz Then copy the disk.raw file to S3. We need to create a bucket, copy the image file to it, import it as a snapshot, then register an AMI image from it.

Create S3 bucket

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket <bucket name> \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION \
    --acl private

Copy image file to the bucket

aws s3 cp disk.raw s3://<bucket name>/omni-aws.raw

Import the image as a snapshot

$ aws ec2 import-snapshot \
    --region $REGION \
    --description "Omni AWS" \
    --disk-container "Format=raw,UserBucket={S3Bucket=<bucket name>,S3Key=omni-aws.raw}"
    "Description": "Omni AWS",
    "ImportTaskId": "import-snap-1234567890abcdef0",
    "SnapshotTaskDetail": {
        "Description": "Omni AWS",
        "DiskImageSize": "0.0",
        "Format": "RAW",
        "Progress": "3",
        "Status": "active",
        "StatusMessage": "pending"
        "UserBucket": {
            "S3Bucket": "<bucket name>",
            "S3Key": "omni-aws.raw"

Check the status of the import with:

$ aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks \
    --region $REGION \
    "ImportSnapshotTasks": [
            "Description": "Omni AWS",
            "ImportTaskId": "import-snap-1234567890abcdef0",
            "SnapshotTaskDetail": {
                "Description": "Omni AWS",
                "DiskImageSize": "705638400.0",
                "Format": "RAW",
                "Progress": "42",
                "Status": "active",
                "StatusMessage": "downloading/converting",
                "UserBucket": {
                    "S3Bucket": "<bucket name>",
                    "S3Key": "omni-aws.raw"

Once the Status is completed note the SnapshotId (snap-0298efd6f5c8d5cff).

Register the Image

$ aws ec2 register-image \
    --region $REGION \
    --block-device-mappings "DeviceName=/dev/xvda,VirtualName=talos,Ebs={DeleteOnTermination=true,SnapshotId=$SNAPSHOT,VolumeSize=4,VolumeType=gp2}" \
    --root-device-name /dev/xvda \
    --virtualization-type hvm \
    --architecture x86_64 \
    --ena-support \
    --name omni-aws-ami
    "ImageId": "ami-07961b424e87e827f"

Note the ImageId (ami-07961b424e87e827f).

Create EC2 instances from the AMI

Now, using the AMI we created, along with the security group created above, provision EC2 instances:

 aws ec2 run-instances \
    --region  $REGION \
    --image-id ami-07961b424e87e827f \
    --count 1 \
    --instance-type t3.small   \
    --subnet-id subnet-0a7f5f87f62c301ea \
    --security-group-ids $SECURITY_GROUP   \
    --associate-public-ip-address \
    --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=omni-aws-ami}]" \
    --instance-market-options '{"MarketType":"spot"}'

5 - Register an Azure Instance

A guide on how to register an Azure instance with Omni.

This guide shows you how to register an Azure instance with Omni.


Upon logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard.

Download the Image

Download the Azure image from the Omni portal by clicking on the “Download Installation Media” button. Click on the “Options” dropdown menu and search for the “Azure” option. Notice there are two options: one for amd64 and another for arm64. Select the appropriate architecture for the machine you are registering, then click the “Download” button.

Once downloaded to your local machine, untar with tar -xvf /path/to/image

Upload the Image

In the Azure console, navigate to Storage accounts, and create a new storage account. Once the account is provisioned, navigate to the resource and click Upload. In the Upload Blob form, select Create New container, and name your container (e.g. omni-may-2023). Now click Browse for Files, and select the disk.vhd file that you uncompressed above, then select Upload.

We’ll make use of the following environment variables throughout the setup. Edit the variables below with your correct information.

# Storage account to use
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT="StorageAccountName"

# Storage container to upload to
export STORAGE_CONTAINER="StorageContainerName"

# Resource group name
export GROUP="ResourceGroupName"

# Location
export LOCATION="centralus"

# Get storage account connection string based on info above
export CONNECTION=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
                    -n $STORAGE_ACCOUNT \
                    -g $GROUP \
                    -o tsv)

You can upload the image you uncompressed to blob storage with:

az storage blob upload \
  --connection-string $CONNECTION \
  --container-name $STORAGE_CONTAINER \
  -f /path/to/extracted/disk.vhd \
  -n omni-azure.vhd

Convert the Image

In the Azure console select Images, and then Create. Select a Resource Group, Name your image (e.g. omni-may), and set the OS type to Linux. Now Browse to the storage blob created above, navigating to the container with the uploaded disk.vhd. Select “Standard HDD” for account type, then click Review and Create, then Create.

Now that the image is present in our blob storage, we’ll register it.

az image create \
  --name omni \
  --source https://$STORAGE_ACCOUNT.blob.core.windows.net/$STORAGE_CONTAINER/omni-azure.vhd \
  --os-type linux \
  -g $GROUP

Create an Azure Instance

Creating an instance requires setting the os-disk-size property, which is easiest to achieve via the CLI:

az vm create \
    --name azure-worker \
    --image omni \
    -g $GROUP \
    --admin-username talos \
    --generate-ssh-keys \
    --verbose \
    --os-disk-size-gb 20


In the Omni UI, navigate to the “Machines” menu in the sidebar. You should now see the Azure machine that was created listed as an available machine, registered with Omni and ready to provision.

6 - Expose an HTTP Service from a Cluster

A guide on how to expose am HTTP service from a cluster for external access.

This guide shows you how to expose an HTTP Kubernetes Service to be accessible from Omni Web.

Enabling Workload Service Proxying Feature

You first need to enable the workload service proxying feature on the cluster you want to expose Services from.

If you are creating a new cluster, you can enable the feature by checking the checkbox in the “Cluster Features” section:

If you have an existing cluster, simply check the checkbox in the features section of the cluster overview page:

If you are using cluster templates, you can enable the feature by adding the following to the cluster template YAML:

  enableWorkloadProxy: true

You will notice that the “Exposed Services” section will appear on the left menu for the cluster the feature is enabled on.

Exposing a Kubernetes Service

Let’s install a simple Nginx deployment and service to expose it.

Create the following nginx.yaml file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: workload-proxy-example-nginx
  namespace: default
      app: workload-proxy-example-nginx
        app: workload-proxy-example-nginx
        - name: workload-proxy-example-nginx
          image: nginx:stable-alpine-slim
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: workload-proxy-example-nginx
  namespace: default
    omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/port: "50080"
    omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/label: Sample Nginx
    omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/icon: 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
    app: workload-proxy-example-nginx
    - name: http
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

Apply it to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml

Note the following annotations on the cluster:

omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/port: "50080"
omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/label: Sample Nginx
omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/icon: 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

To expose a service, only the omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/port annotation is required.

Its value must be a port that is unused on the nodes, such as by other exposed Services.

The annotation omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/label can be set to a human-friendly name to be displayed on the Omni Web left menu.

If not set, the default name of <service-name>.<service-namespace> will be used.

The annotation omni-kube-service-exposer.sidero.dev/icon can be set to render an icon for this service on the Omni Web left menu.

If set, valid values are:

  • Either a base64-encoded SVG
  • Or a base64-encoded GZIP of an SVG

To encode an SVG file icon.svg to be used for the annotation, you can use the following command:

gzip -c icon.svg | base64

Accessing the Exposed Service

You will notice that the Service you annotated will appear under the “Exposed Services” section in Omni Web, on the left menu when the cluster is selected.

Clicking it will render the Service in Omni.

7 - Create an Omni Service Account

A guide on how to create an Omni service account.

This guide shows you how to create an Omni service account.

You will need omnictl installed and configured to follow this guide. If you haven’t done so already, follow the omnictl guide.

Creating the Service Account

To create an Omni service account, use the following command:

omnictl serviceaccount create <sa-name>

The output of this command will print OMNI_ENDPOINT and OMNI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.

Export these variables with the printed values:

export OMNI_ENDPOINT=<output from above command>
export OMNI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY=<output from above command>

You can now use omnictl with the generated service account.

8 - Create a Service Account Kubeconfig

A guide on how to create a service account kubeconfig in Omni.

This guide shows you how to create a service account kubeconfig in Omni.

You need omnictl installed and configured to follow this guide. If you haven’t done so already, follow the omnictl guide.

You also need to have a cluster created in Omni to follow this guide.

Creating the Service Account Kubeconfig

To create a service account kubeconfig, run the following command:

omnictl kubeconfig --service-account -c <cluster> --user <user> <path to kubeconfig>

This command will create a service account token with the given username and obtain a kubeconfig file for the given cluster and username.

You can now use kubectl with the generated kubeconfig.

9 - Scale Down a Cluster

A guide on how to scale down a cluster with Omni.

This guide shows you how to delete machines in a cluster with Omni.

Upon logging in, click the “Clusters” menu item on the left, then the name of the cluster you wish to delete nodes from. Click the “Nodes” menu item on the left. Now, select “Destroy” from the menu under the elipsis:

The cluster will now scale down.

10 - Scale Up a Cluster

A guide on how to scale up a cluster with Omni.

This guide shows you how to add machines to a cluster with Omni. Upon logging in, click the “Cluster” menu item on the left, then the name of the cluster you wish to add nodes to. From the “Cluster Overview” tab, click the “Add Machines” button in the sidebar on the right.

From the list of available machines that is shown, identify the machine or machines you wish to add, and then click “ControlPlane” or “Worker”, to add the machine with that role. You may add multiple machines in one operation. Click “Add Machines” when all machines have been selected to be added.

The cluster will now scale up.

11 - Register a Hetzner Server

A guide on how to register a Hetzner server with Omni.

This guide shows you how to register a Hetzner server with Omni.


Upon logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard.

Download the Hetzner Image

First, download the Hetzner image from the Omni portal by clicking on the “Download Installation Media” button. Now, click on the “Options” dropdown menu and search for the “Hetzner” option. Notice there are two options: one for amd64 and another for arm64. Select the appropriate option for the machine you are registering. Now, click the “Download” button.

Place the following in the same directory as the downloaded installation media and name the file hcloud.pkr.hcl:

packer {
  required_plugins {
    hcloud = {
      version = ">= 1.0.0"
      source  = "github.com/hashicorp/hcloud"

locals {
  image = "<path to downloaded installation media>"

source "hcloud" "talos" {
  rescue       = "linux64"
  image        = "debian-11"
  location     = "hel1"
  server_type  = "cx11"
  ssh_username = "root"

  snapshot_name = "Omni Image"

build {
  sources = ["source.hcloud.talos"]

  provisioner "file" {
    source = "${local.image}"
    destination = "/tmp/talos.raw.xz"

  provisioner "shell" {
    inline = [
      "xz -d -c /tmp/talos.raw.xz | dd of=/dev/sda && sync",

Now, run the following:

packer init .
packer build .

Take note of the image ID produced by by running this command.

Create a Server

hcloud context create talos

hcloud server create --name omni-talos-1 \
    --image <image ID> \
    --type cx21 --location <location>


Navigate to the “Machines” menu in the sidebar. You should now see a machine listed.

You now have a Hetzner server registered with Omni and ready to provision.

12 - Restore Etcd of a Cluster Managed by Cluster Templates to an Earlier Snapshot

A guide on how to restore a cluster’s etcd to an earlier snapshot.

This guide shows you how to restore a cluster’s etcd to an earlier snapshot. This is useful when you need to revert a cluster to an earlier state.

This tutorial has the following requirements:

  • The CLI tool omnictl must be installed and configured.
  • The cluster which you want to restore must still exist (not deleted from Omni) and have backups in the past.
  • The cluster must be managed using cluster templates (not via the UI).

Finding the Cluster’s UUID

To find the cluster’s UUID, run the following command, replacing my-cluster with the name of your cluster:

omnictl get clusteruuid my-cluster

The output will look like this:

NAMESPACE   TYPE          ID              VERSION   UUID
default     ClusterUUID   my-cluster      1         bb874758-ee54-4d3b-bac3-4c8349737298

Note the UUID column, which contains the cluster’s UUID.

Finding the Snapshot to Restore

List the available snapshots for the cluster:

omnictl get etcdbackup -l omni.sidero.dev/cluster=my-cluster

The output will look like this:

NAMESPACE   TYPE         ID                         VERSION     CREATED AT                         SNAPSHOT
external    EtcdBackup   my-cluster-1701184522   undefined   {"nanos":0,"seconds":1701184522}   FFFFFFFF9A99FBF6.snapshot
external    EtcdBackup   my-cluster-1701184515   undefined   {"nanos":0,"seconds":1701184515}   FFFFFFFF9A99FBFD.snapshot
external    EtcdBackup   my-cluster-1701184500   undefined   {"nanos":0,"seconds":1701184500}   FFFFFFFF9A99FC0C.snapshot

The SNAPSHOT column contains the snapshot name which you will need to restore the cluster. Let’s assume you want to restore the cluster to the snapshot FFFFFFFF9A99FBFD.snapshot.

Deleting the Existing Control Plane

To restore the cluster, we need to first delete the existing control plane of the cluster. This will take the cluster into the non-bootstrapped state. Only then we can create the new control plane with the restored etcd.

Use the following command to delete the control plane, replacing my-cluster with the name of your cluster:

omnictl delete machineset my-cluster-control-planes

Creating the Restore Template

Edit your cluster template manifest template-manifest.yaml, edit the list of control plane machines for your needs, and add the bootstrapSpec section to the control plane, with cluster UUID and the snapshot name we found above:

kind: Cluster
name: my-cluster
  version: v1.28.2
  version: v1.5.5
kind: ControlPlane
  - 430d882a-51a8-48b3-ae00-90c5b0b5b0b0
  - e865efbc-25a1-4436-bcd9-0a431554e328
  - 820c2b44-568c-461e-91aa-c2fc228c0b2e
  clusterUUID: bb874758-ee54-4d3b-bac3-4c8349737298 # The cluster UUID we found above
  snapshot: FFFFFFFF9A99FBFD.snapshot # The snapshot name we found above
kind: Workers
  - 18308f52-b833-4376-a7c8-1cb9de2feafd
  - 79f8db4d-3b6b-49a7-8ac4-aa5d2287f706

Syncing the Template

To sync the template, run the following command:

omnictl cluster template sync -f template-manifest.yaml
omnictl cluster template status -f template-manifest.yaml

After the sync, your cluster will be restored to the snapshot you specified.

Restarting Kubelet on Worker Nodes

To ensure a healthy cluster operation, the kubelet needs to be restarted on all worker nodes.

Get the IDs of the worker nodes:

omnictl get clustermachine -l omni.sidero.dev/role-worker,omni.sidero.dev/cluster=my-cluster

The output will look like this:

NAMESPACE   TYPE             ID                                     VERSION
default     ClusterMachine   26b87860-38b4-400f-af72-bc8d26ab6cd6   3
default     ClusterMachine   2f6af2ad-bebb-42a5-b6b0-2b9397acafbc   3
default     ClusterMachine   5f93376a-95f6-496c-b4b7-630a0607ac7f   3
default     ClusterMachine   c863ccdf-cdb7-4519-878e-5484a1be119a   3

Gather the IDs in this output, and issue a kubelet restart on them using talosctl:

talosctl -n 26b87860-38b4-400f-af72-bc8d26ab6cd6 service kubelet restart
talosctl -n 2f6af2ad-bebb-42a5-b6b0-2b9397acafbc service kubelet restart
talosctl -n 5f93376a-95f6-496c-b4b7-630a0607ac7f service kubelet restart
talosctl -n c863ccdf-cdb7-4519-878e-5484a1be119a service kubelet restart

13 - File an Issue

A guide on how to file an issue for Omni.

This guide shows you file an issue for Omni.

Click on the “Report an issue” button in the header:

Now, click on the “New issue” button:

Choose the issue type, fill in the details, and submit the issue.

14 - Install talosctl

A guide on how to install talosctl.

This guide shows you how to install talosctl.

Run the following:

curl -sL https://talos.dev/install | sh

You now have talosctl installed.

15 - Manage Access Policies (ACLs)

A guide on how to manage Omni ACLs.

This guide will show how to give the user support@example.com full access to the staging cluster but limited access to the production cluster.

Create an AccessPolicy resource

Create a local file acl.yaml:

  namespace: default
  type: AccessPolicies.omni.sidero.dev
  id: access-policy
    - users:
        - support@example.com
        - staging
      role: Operator
            - system:masters
    - users:
        - support@example.com
        - production
      role: Reader
            - my-app-read-only
    - name: support engineer has full access to staging cluster
        name: support@example.com
        name: staging
        role: Operator
              - system:masters
    - name: support engineer has read-only access to my-app namespace in production cluster
        name: support@example.com
        name: production
        role: Reader
              - my-app-read-only

As an Omni admin, apply this ACL using omnictl:

omnictl apply -f acl.yaml

When users interact with Omni API or UI, they will be assigned to the role specified in the ACL.

When users access the Kubernetes cluster through Omni, they will have the groups specified in the ACL.

Kubernetes RBAC then can be used to grant permissions to these groups.

Create Kubernetes RBAC resources

Locally, create rbac.yaml with a Namespace called my-app, and a Role & RoleBinding to give access to the my-app-read-only group:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: my-app
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: read-only
  namespace: my-app
  - apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps", "batch", "autoscaling"]
    resources: ["*"]
    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: read-only
  namespace: my-app
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Role
  name: read-only
  - kind: Group
    name: my-app-read-only
    apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

As the cluster admin, apply the manifests to the Kubernetes cluster production:

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml

Test the access

Try to access the cluster with a kubeconfig generated by the user support@example.com:

kubectl get pods -n my-app

The user should be able to list pods in the my-app namespace because of the Role and RoleBinding created above.

Try to list pods in another namespace:

kubectl get pod -n default

The user should not be able to list pods in namespace default.

16 - Create Etcd Backups

A guide on how to create cluster etcd backups using Omni.


First of all, check the current overall status of the cluster backup subsystem:

omnictl get etcdbackupoverallstatus

If you have freshly created Omni instance, the output will be similar to this:

ephemeral   EtcdBackupOverallStatus   etcdbackup-overall-status   1         s3                   not initialized

The combination of the CONFIGURATION NAME and CONFIGURATION ERROR fields display the current backup store configuration status. Currently, Omni supports two backup stores: local and s3. These are configured during Omni initialization. The output above indicates that the backup store is set to use the s3 store. However, the s3 configuration itself has not yet been added, so the CONFIGURATION ERROR field shows not initialized. The rest of the fields show as empty because no backups have been created yet.

S3 configuration

To use S3 as the backup storage, you will first need to configure the S3 credentials for Omni to use. This can be done by creating an EtcdBackupS3Configs.omni.sidero.dev resource in Omni. Below is an example for Minio S3:

  namespace: default
  type: EtcdBackupS3Configs.omni.sidero.dev
  id: etcd-backup-s3-conf
  bucket: mybucket
  region: us-east-1
  accesskeyid: access
  secretaccesskey: secret123
  sessiontoken: ""

Let’s go through the fields:

  • bucket - the name of the S3 bucket for storing backups. This is the only field required in all cases.
  • region - the region of the S3 bucket. If not provided, Omni will use the default region.
  • endpoint - the S3 endpoint. If not provided, Omni will use the default AWS S3 endpoint.
  • accesskeyid and secretaccesskey - the credentials to access the S3 bucket. If not provided, Omni will assume it runs in an EC2 instance with an IAM role that has access to the specified S3 bucket.
  • sessiontoken - the session token (if any) for accessing the S3 bucket.

Save it as <file-name>.yaml and apply using omnictl apply -f <file-name>.yaml. During resource creation, Omni will validate the provided credentials by attempting to list the objects in the bucket. It will return an error if the validation fails and will not update the resource.

Let’s get our overall status again and check the output:

ephemeral   EtcdBackupOverallStatus   etcdbackup-overall-status   2         s3

Note that the CONFIGURATION ERROR field is now empty, indicating that the provided configuration is valid.

Manual backup

Now, let’s create a manual backup. To do that, we need to create a resource:

  namespace: ephemeral
  type: EtcdManualBackups.omni.sidero.dev
  id: <your-cluster-name>
    seconds: <unix-timestamp>
    nanos: 0

The <unix-timestamp> should be no more than one minute in the future or in the past. The easiest way to get the current timestamp is to simply invoke date +%s in your shell. The nanos field should always be 0.

After you save the resource as <file-name>.yaml, apply it using omnictl apply -f <file-name>.yaml. In a few seconds, you can check the status of the backup:

omnictl get etcdbackupstatus -o yaml

This command print per-cluster backup status. The output will be similar to this:

  namespace: ephemeral
  type: EtcdBackupStatuses.omni.sidero.dev
  id: <cluster-name>
  version: 1
  owner: EtcdBackupController
  phase: running
  status: 1
  error: ""
    seconds: 1702166400
    nanos: 985220192
    seconds: 1702166400
    nanos: 985220192

You can also get the overall status of the backup subsystem, where the output will be similar to this:

  namespace: ephemeral
  type: EtcdBackupOverallStatuses.omni.sidero.dev
  id: etcdbackup-overall-status
  version: 3
  owner: EtcdBackupOverallStatusController
  phase: running
  configurationname: s3
  configurationerror: ""
    status: 1
    error: ""
      seconds: 1702166400
      nanos: 985220192
      seconds: 1702166400
      nanos: 985220192

Automatic backup

Omni also supports automatic backups. You can enable this feature by directly editing the cluster resource Clusters.omni.sidero.dev or by using cluster templates. Let’s explore how we can do this in both ways.

Cluster templates

Enabling automatic backups using cluster templates is quite straightforward. First, you’ll need a template that resembles the following:

kind: Cluster
name: talos-default
  version: v1.28.2
  version: v1.5.5
    interval: 1h
kind: ControlPlane
  - 1dd4397b-37f1-4196-9c37-becef670b64a
kind: Workers
  - 0d1f01c3-0a8a-4560-8745-bb792e3dfaad
  - a0f29661-cd2d-4e25-a6c9-da5ca4c48d58

This is the minimal example of a cluster template for a cluster with a single-node control plane and two worker nodes. Your machine UUIDs will likely be different, and the Kubernetes and Talos versions will probably also differ. You will need both of these, as well as the cluster name, in your cluster template. To obtain these, refer to the clustermachinestatus and cluster resources.

In this example, we are going to set the backup interval for the cluster to one hour. Save this template as <file-name>.yaml. Before applying this change, we want to ensure that no automatic backup is enabled for this cluster. To do that, let’s run the following command:

omnictl cluster template -f <file-name>.yaml diff

The Omni response will resemble the following:

--- Clusters.omni.sidero.dev(default/talos-default)
+++ Clusters.omni.sidero.dev(default/talos-default)
@@ -19,4 +19,7 @@
     enableworkloadproxy: false
     diskencryption: false
-  backupconfiguration: null
+  backupconfiguration:
+    interval:
+      seconds: 3600
+      nanos: 0

Now that we have verified that Omni does not already have an automatic backup enabled, we will apply the change:

omnictl cluster template -f <file-name>.yaml sync

If you didn’t have any backups previously, Omni will not wait for an hour and will immediately create a fresh backup. You can verify this by running the following command:

omnictl get etcdbackup --selector omni.sidero.dev/cluster=talos-default

Keep in mind that to obtain the backup status, you will need to use the label selector omni.sidero.dev/cluster along with your cluster name. In this example it is talos-default.

NAMESPACE   TYPE         ID                         VERSION     CREATED AT
external    EtcdBackup   talos-default-1702166400   undefined   {"nanos":0,"seconds":1702166400}

Cluster resource

Another way to enable automatic backups is by directly editing the cluster resource. To do this, first, you’ll need to retrieve the cluster resource from the Omni:

omnictl get cluster talos-default -o yaml
  namespace: default
  type: Clusters.omni.sidero.dev
  id: talos-default
    - KubernetesUpgradeStatusController
    - TalosUpgradeStatusController
    - SecretsController
    - ClusterController
  installimage: ""
  kubernetesversion: 1.28.2
  talosversion: 1.5.5
    enableworkloadproxy: false
    diskencryption: false

Add fields related to the backup configuration while preserving the existing fields:

  namespace: default
  type: Clusters.omni.sidero.dev
  id: talos-default
    - KubernetesUpgradeStatusController
    - TalosUpgradeStatusController
    - SecretsController
    - ClusterController
  installimage: ""
  kubernetesversion: 1.28.2
  talosversion: 1.5.5
    enableworkloadproxy: false
    diskencryption: false
      seconds: 3600
      nanos: 0

Save it to the file and apply using omnictl apply -f <file-name>.yaml. You will get the output similar to the one above for the cluster template.

17 - Create a Machine Class

A guide on how to create a machine class.

This guide shows you how to create and a machine class.

First, click the “Machine Classes” section button in the sidebar.

Next, click the “Create Machine Class” button.

Add machine query conditions by typing them manually in the input box.

Clicking the label in the machine list will add them to the input box.

Clicking on “+” will add blocks to match the machines using boolean OR operator.

Name the machine class.

Click “Create Machine Class”.

Create a file called machine-class.yaml with the following content:

  namespace: default
  type: MachineClasses.omni.sidero.dev
  id: test
    # matches machines with amd64 architecture and more than 2 CPUs
    - omni.sidero.dev/arch = amd64, omni.sidero.dev/cpus > 2

Create the machine class:

omnictl apply -f machine-class.yaml

18 - Create a Cluster

A guide on how to create a cluster.

This guide shows you how to create a cluster from registered machines.

First, click the “Clusters” section button in the sidebar. Next, click the “Create Cluster” button.

Select the role for each machine you would like to create a cluster from. Now that each machine has a role, choose the install disk from the dropdown menu for each machine. Finally, click “Create Cluster”

Create a file called cluster.yaml with the following content:

kind: Cluster
name: example
  version: v1.26.0
  version: v1.3.2
kind: ControlPlane
  - <control plane machine UUID>
kind: Workers
  - <worker machine UUID>
kind: Machine
name: <control plane machine UUID>
  disk: /dev/<disk>
kind: Machine
name: <worker machine UUID>
  disk: /dev/<disk>

Now, validate the document:

omnictl cluster template validate -f cluster.yaml

Create the cluster:

omnictl cluster template sync -f cluster.yaml --verbose

Finally, wait for the cluster to be up:

omnictl cluster template status -f cluster.yaml

Create a file called cluster.yaml with the following content:

kind: Cluster
name: example
  version: v1.28.0
  version: v1.5.4
kind: ControlPlane
  name: control-planes
  size: 1
kind: Workers
  name: workers
  size: 1
kind: Workers
name: secondary
  name: secondary-workers
  size: unlimited

Be sure to create machine classes control-planes, workers and secondary-workers beforehand. See machine classes how-to.

Now, validate the document:

omnictl cluster template validate -f cluster.yaml

Create the cluster:

omnictl cluster template sync -f cluster.yaml --verbose

Finally, wait for the cluster to be up:

omnictl cluster template status -f cluster.yaml

19 - Enable Disk Encryption

A guide on how to enable Omni KMS assisted disk encryption for a cluster.

First, click the “Clusters” section button in the sidebar. Next, click the “Create Cluster” button.

Select Talos version >= 1.5.0. Click “Enable Encryption” checkbox.

Create a file called cluster.yaml with the following content:

kind: Cluster
name: example
  version: v1.27.3
  version: v1.5.0
  diskEncryption: true
kind: ControlPlane
  - <control plane machine UUID>
kind: Workers
  - <worker machine UUID>
kind: Machine
name: <control plane machine UUID>
  disk: /dev/<disk>
kind: Machine
name: <worker machine UUID>
  disk: /dev/<disk>

Now, validate the document:

omnictl cluster template validate -f cluster.yaml

Create the cluster:

omnictl cluster template sync -f cluster.yaml --verbose

Finally, wait for the cluster to be up:

omnictl cluster template status -f cluster.yaml

20 - Add a User to Omni with SAML Enabled

A guide on how to add a user to Omni with SAML authentication enabled.

This guide shows you how to create a user in an Omni instance with SAML authentication enabled.

Enable new user access to Omni in your SAML identity provider.

Make user login from the new user account.

Log into Omni using another account with Admin permissions.

Find newly added user in the list of users.

Now, select “Edit User” from the menu under the ellipsis:

Change its role to Reader, Operator or Admin:

Next, click “Update User”:

21 - Auto-assign roles to SAML users

A guide on how to assign Omni roles to SAML users automatically.

This guide shows you how to configure your Omni instance, so that new users logging in with SAML authentication are automatically assigned to a role based on their SAML role attributes.

Create the file assign-operator-to-engineers-label.yaml for the SAMLLabelRule resource, with the following content:

  namespace: default
  type: SAMLLabelRules.omni.sidero.dev
  id: assign-operator-to-engineers-label
  assignroleonregistration: Operator
    - saml.omni.sidero.dev/role/engineers

As an admin, create it on your Omni instance using omnictl:

omnictl apply -f assign-operator-to-engineers-label.yaml

This will create a resource that assigns the Operator role to any user that logs in with SAML and has the SAML attribute Role with the value engineers.

Log in to Omni as a new SAML user with the SAML attribute with name Role and value engineers.

This will cause the user created on the Omni side to be labeled as saml.omni.sidero.dev/role/engineers.

This label will match the SAMLLabelRule resource we created above, and the user will automatically be assigned the Operator role.

22 - Create a Patch For Cluster Control Planes

A guide on how to create a config patch for the control plane of a cluster.

This guide shows you how to create a patch for the control plane machine set of a cluster.

Upon logging in, click the “Clusters” menu item on the left. Now, select “Config Patches” from the menu under the elipsis:

Next, click “Create Patch”:

Pick the “Control Planes” option from the “Patch Target” dropdown:

Type in the desired config patch:

Click “Save” to create the config patch:

23 - Create a Patch For Cluster Machines

A guide on how to create a config patch for a machine in a cluster.

This guide shows you how to create a patch for a machine in a cluster.

Upon logging in, click the “Clusters” menu item on the left. Now, select “Config Patches” from the menu under the ellipsis:

Next, click “Create Patch”:

Pick the specific machine from the “Patch Target” dropdown:

Type in the desired config patch:

Click “Save” to create the config patch:

24 - Create a Patch For Cluster Workers

A guide on how to create a config patch for the worker machine set of a cluster.

This guide shows you how to create a patch for the worker machine set of a cluster.

Upon logging in, click the “Clusters” menu item on the left. Now, select “Config Patches” from the menu under the elipsis:

Next, click “Create Patch”:

Pick the “Workers” option from the “Patch Target” dropdown:

Type in the desired config patch:

Click “Save” to create the config patch:

25 - Export a Cluster Template from a Cluster Created in the UI

A guide on how to export a cluster template from a cluster created in the UI.

This guide shows you how to export a cluster template from a cluster created in the UI. This is useful when you want to switch a cluster from being manually managed to being managed by cluster templates (i.e. via the CLI, to be used in CI automation).

Exporting the Cluster Template

To export a cluster, run the following command:

omnictl cluster template export -c my-cluster -o my-cluster-exported-template.yaml

It will export the template for the cluster with name my-cluster into the file my-cluster-exported-template.yaml.

If you inspect the exported template, you will see an output like the following:

kind: Cluster
name: my-cluster
  my-label: my-value
  version: v1.27.8
  version: v1.5.5
kind: ControlPlane
  - 1e3133f4-fb7a-4b62-bd4f-b792e2df24e2
  - 5439f561-f09e-4259-8788-9ab835bb9922
  - 63564547-c9cb-4a30-a54a-8f95a29d66a5
kind: Workers
  - 4b46f512-55d0-482c-ac48-cd916b62b74e
  - idOverride: 500-04e39280-4b36-435e-bedc-75c4ab340a80
      description: Enable verbose logging for kubelet
      name: kubelet-verbose-log
            v: "4"
kind: Machine
name: 1e3133f4-fb7a-4b62-bd4f-b792e2df24e2
  disk: /dev/vda
kind: Machine
name: 4b46f512-55d0-482c-ac48-cd916b62b74e
kind: Machine
name: 5439f561-f09e-4259-8788-9ab835bb9922
kind: Machine
name: 63564547-c9cb-4a30-a54a-8f95a29d66a5

Using the Exported Cluster Template to Manage the Cluster

You can now use this template to manage the cluster - edit the template as needed and sync it using the CLI:

omnictl cluster template sync -f my-cluster-exported-template.yaml

Check the sync status:

omnictl cluster template status -f my-cluster-exported-template.yaml

26 - Install Talos System Extensions

A guide on how to install Talos system extensions.

On the overview page click “Download Installation Media” button:

Select the list of extensions you want to be installed on the machine, Talos version and installation media type:

Click “Download”:

Boot the machine with that installation media. It will have all extensions installed.

Create a file called cluster.yaml with the following content:

kind: Cluster
name: example
  version: v1.29.1
  version: v1.6.7
  - siderolabs/hello-world-service
kind: ControlPlane
  - <control plane machine UUID>
kind: Workers
  - <worker machine UUID>
kind: Machine
name: <control plane machine UUID>
kind: Machine
name: <worker machine UUID>
  disk: /dev/<disk>
  - siderolabs/nvidia-container-toolkit
  - siderolabs/nvidia-fabricmanager
  - siderolabs/nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules
  - siderolabs/nonfree-kmod-nvidia

Now, validate the document:

omnictl cluster template validate -f cluster.yaml

Create the cluster:

omnictl cluster template sync -f cluster.yaml --verbose

Finally, wait for the cluster to be up:

omnictl cluster template status -f cluster.yaml

The cluster will have hello-world-service extension installed on the control plane and all nvidia drivers on the worker.

27 - Create a Hybrid Cluster

A guide on how to create a hybrid cluster.

This guide shows you how to create and configure a cluster consisting of machines that are any combination of bare metal, cloud virtual machines, on-premise virtual machines, or SBCs, using KubeSpan, which enables Kubernetes to communicate securely with machines in the cluster on different networks.

Refer to the general guide on creating a cluster to get started. To create a hybid cluster apply the following cluster patch by clicking on “Config Patches” and navigating the the “Cluster” tab:

      enabled: true

28 - Use Kubectl With Omni

This guide shows you how to use kubectl with an Omni-managed cluster.

Navigate to the clusters page by clicking on the “Clusters” button in the sidebar.

Click the three dots in the cluster’s item to access the options menu.

Click “Download kubeconfig”.

Alternatively you can click on the cluster and download the kubeconfig from the cluster dashboard.

Install the oidc-login plugin per the official documentation: https://github.com/int128/kubelogin.

29 - Install and Configure Omnictl

A guide on installing and configuring omnictl for Omni.

This guide shows you how to install and configure omnictl.

Download omnictl and omniconfig from the Omni dashboard.

Add the downloaded omniconfig.yaml to the default location to use it with omnictl:

cp omniconfig.yaml ~/.config/omni/config

If you would like to merge the omniconfig.yaml with an existing configuration, use the following command:

omnictl config merge ./omniconfig.yaml

List the contexts to verify that the omniconfig was added:

$ omnictl config contexts
          example      https://example.omni.siderolabs.io/

Run omnictl for the first time to perform initial authentication using a web browser:

omnictl get clusters

If the browser window does not open automatically, it can be opened manually by copying and pasting the URL into a web browser:

BROWSER=echo omnictl get clusters

30 - Deploy Omni On-prem

This guide shows you how to deploy Omni on-prem. This guide assumes that Omni will be deployed on an Ubuntu machine. Small differences should be expected when using a different OS.

For SAML integration sections, this guide assumes Azure AD will be the provider for SAML.


There are several prerequisites for deploying Omni on-prem.

Install Docker

Install Docker according to the Ubuntu installation guide here.

Generate Certs

On-prem Omni will require valid SSL certificates. This means that self-signed certs will not work as of the time of this writing. Generating certificates is left as an exercise to the user, but here is a rough example that was tested using DigitalOcean’s DNS integration with certbot to generate certificates. The process should be very similar for other providers like Route53.

# Install certbot
$ sudo snap install --classic certbot

# Allow for root access
$ sudo snap set certbot trust-plugin-with-root=ok

# Install DNS provider
$ snap install certbot-dns-<provider>

# Create creds file with API tokens
$ echo '<creds example' > creds.ini

# Create certs for desired domain
$ certbot certonly --dns-<provider> -d <domain name for onprem omni>

Configure Authentication


First, you will need an Auth0 account.

On the account level, configure “Authentication - Social” to allow GitHub and Google login.

Create an Auth0 application of the type “single page web application”.

Configure the Auth0 application with the following:

  • Allowed callback URLs: https://<domain name for onprem omni>
  • Allowed web origins: https://<domain name for onprem omni>
  • Allowed logout URLs: https://<domain name for onprem omni>

Disable username/password auth on “Authentication - Database - Applications” tab.

Enable GitHub and Google login on the “Authentication - Social” tab.

Enable email access in the GitHub settings.

Take note of the following information from the Auth0 application:

  • Domain
  • Client ID

SAML Identity Providers

Create Etcd Encryption Key

Generate a GPG key:

gpg --quick-generate-key "Omni (Used for etcd data encryption) how-to-guide@siderolabs.com" rsa4096 cert never

Find the fingerprint of the generated key:

gpg --list-secret-keys

Using the fingerprint, add an encryption subkey and export:

gpg --quick-add-key <fingerprint> rsa4096 encr never
gpg --export-secret-key --armor how-to-guide@siderolabs.com > omni.asc

Generate UUID

It is important to generate a unique ID for this Omni deployment. It will also be necessary to use this same UUID each time you “docker run” your Omni instance.

Generate a UUID with:

export OMNI_ACCOUNT_UUID=$(uuidgen)

Deploy Omni

Running Omni is a simple docker run, with some slight differences in flags for Auth0 vs. SAML authentication.


docker run \
  --net=host \
  --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
  -v $PWD/etcd:/_out/etcd \
  -v <path to TLS certificate>:/tls.crt \
  -v <path to TLS key>:/tls.key \
  -v $PWD/omni.asc:/omni.asc \
  ghcr.io/siderolabs/omni:<tag> \
    --account-id=${OMNI_ACCOUNT_UUID} \
    --name=onprem-omni \
    --cert=/tls.crt \
    --key=/tls.key \
    --siderolink-api-cert=/tls.crt \
    --siderolink-api-key=/tls.key \
    --private-key-source=file:///omni.asc \
    --event-sink-port=8091 \
    --bind-addr= \
    --siderolink-api-bind-addr= \
    --k8s-proxy-bind-addr= \
    --advertised-api-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>/ \
    --siderolink-api-advertised-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>:8090/ \
    --siderolink-wireguard-advertised-addr=<ip address of the host running Omni>:50180 \
    --advertised-kubernetes-proxy-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>:8100/ \
    --auth-auth0-enabled=true \
    --auth-auth0-domain=<Auth0 domain> \
    --auth-auth0-client-id=<Auth0 client ID> \
    --initial-users=<email address>

Configuration options are available in the help menu (--help).


docker run \
  --net=host \
  --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
  -v $PWD/etcd:/_out/etcd \
  -v <path to full chain TLS certificate>:/tls.crt \
  -v <path to TLS key>:/tls.key \
  -v $PWD/omni.asc:/omni.asc \
  ghcr.io/siderolabs/omni:<tag> \
    --account-id=${OMNI_ACCOUNT_UUID} \
    --name=onprem-omni \
    --cert=/tls.crt \
    --key=/tls.key \
    --siderolink-api-cert=/tls.crt \
    --siderolink-api-key=/tls.key \
    --private-key-source=file:///omni.asc \
    --event-sink-port=8091 \
    --bind-addr= \
    --siderolink-api-bind-addr= \
    --k8s-proxy-bind-addr= \
    --advertised-api-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>/ \
    --siderolink-api-advertised-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>:8090/ \
    --siderolink-wireguard-advertised-addr=<ip address of the host running Omni>:50180 \
    --advertised-kubernetes-proxy-url=https://<domain name for onprem omni>:8100/ \
    --auth-saml-enabled=true \
    --auth-saml-url=<app federation metadata url copied during Azure AD setup>

Configuration options are available in the help menu (--help).

31 - Back Up On-prem Omni Database

This guide shows you how to back up the database of an on-prem Omni instance.

Omni uses etcd as its database.

There are 2 operating modes for etcd: embedded and external.

When Omni is run with --etcd-embedded=true flag, it will configure the embedded etcd server to listen the addresses specified by the --etcd-endpoints flag (http://localhost:2379 by default).

In the same host where Omni is running (in Docker, --network=host needs to be used), you can use the etcdctl command to back up the database:

etcdctl --endpoints http://localhost:2379 snapshot save snapshot.db

The command will save the snapshot of the database to the snapshot.db file.

It is recommended to periodically (e.g. with a cron job) take snapshots and store them in a safe location, like an S3 bucket.

32 - Configure Keycloak for Omni

  1. Log in to Keycloak.

  2. Create a realm.

  • In the upper left corner of the page, select the dropdown where it says master

  • Fill in the realm name and select create

  1. Find the realm metadata.
  • In the realm settings, there is a link to the metadata needed for SAML under Endpoints.
    • Copy the link or save the data to a file. It will be needed for the installation of Omni.

  1. Create a client
  • Select the Clients tab on the left

  • Fill in the General Settings as shown in the example below. Replace the hostname in the example with your own Omni hostname or IP.
    • Client type
    • Client ID
    • Name

  • Fill in the Login settings as shown in the example below. Replace the hostname in the example with your own Omni hostname or IP.
    • Root URL
    • Valid redirect URIs
    • Master SAML PRocessing URL

  • Modify the Signature and Encryption settings.
    • Sign documents: off
    • Sign assertions: on

  • Set the Client signature required value to off.

  • Modify Client Scopes

  • Select Add predefined mapper.

  • The following mappers need to be added because they will be used by Omni will use these attributes for assigning permissions.
    • X500 email
    • X500 givenName
    • X500 surname

  • Add a new user (optional)
    • If Keycloak is being used as an Identity Provider, users can be created here.

  • Enter the user information and set the Email verified to Yes

  • Set a password for the user.

33 - Configure Entra ID AD for Omni

In the Azure portal, click “Enterprise Applications”.

Click “New Application” and search for “Entra SAML Toolkit”.

Name this application something more meaningful if desired and click “Create”.

Under the “Manage” section of the application, select “Single sign-on”, then “SAML” as the single sign-on method.

In section 1 of this form, enter identifier, reply, and sign on URLs that match the following and save:

  • Identifier (Entity ID): https://<domain name for omni>/saml/metadata
  • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://<domain name for omni>/saml/acs
  • Sign on URL: https://<domain name for omni>/login

From section 3, copy the “App Federation Metadata Url” for later use.

Again, under the “Manage” section of the application, select “Users and groups”.

Add any users or groups you wish to give access to your Omni environment here.

34 - Configure Okta for Omni

  1. Log in to Otka
  2. Create a new App Integration
  3. Select “SAML 2.0”
  4. Give the Application a recognisable name (we suggest simply “Omni”)
  5. Set the SAML Settings and Attribute Statements as show below:

  1. Click “Next” and optionally fill out the Feedback, then click “Finish”

Once that is complete, you should now be able to open the “Assignements” tab for the application you just created and manage your users and access as usual.