Install and Configure Omnictl

A guide on installing and configuring `omnictl` for Omni.

Download omnictl and omniconfig from the Omni dashboard.

The downloaded binary will be named according the the selected platform and architecture (e.g. omnictl-linux-amd64). It is left as an exercise to the user to move the downloaded binary into your PATH and make it executable. This guide assumes the downloaded binary has been renamed omnictl.

For example, to do so on a mac:

mv omnictl-darwin-arm64 omnictl
chmod +x omnictl
mv omnictl /usr/local/bin

Add the downloaded omniconfig.yaml to the default location to use it with omnictl:

cp omniconfig.yaml ~/.config/omni/config

If you would like to merge the omniconfig.yaml with an existing configuration, use the following command:

omnictl config merge ./omniconfig.yaml

List the contexts to verify that the omniconfig was added:

$ omnictl config contexts

Run omnictl for the first time to perform initial authentication using a web browser:

omnictl get clusters

If the browser window does not open automatically, it can be opened manually by copying and pasting the URL into a web browser:Copy

BROWSER=echo omnictl get clusters

Last updated