Using audit log

This guide shows you how to use the Omni audit log.

Enabling the audit log

By default, the audit log is disabled. To enable it, you need to specify the --audit-log-dir <dir> when starting the Omni server.

For example:

docker run \
... omitted for brevity ...<tag> \
    --name=onprem-omni \
... omitted for brevity ...

Starting the server without the --audit-log-dir or with empty value will disable the audit log.

Getting the Audit log

The audit log is stored in the directory specified by --audit-log-dir <dir> flag. The log files are named <year>-<month>-<day>.jsonlog. The retention period is 30 days (including the current day), after which the log files are deleted.

There are two ways of getting concatenated audit log using Omni:

  1. Using UI. Simply click "Download audit log" in the main menu.

  2. Using omnictl audit-log command. This command will stream the audit log from the Omni to the local machine stdout.

The second way is preferable if you have huge audit log, as it will not consume a lot of memory on the client if you look for something specific.

Format of the Audit log

The audit log is stored in JSON format. Each line in the log file is a JSON object representing an audit event.

Below is the example of log entry along with explanations.

{"event_type":"create","resource_type":"","event_ts":1723466435280,"event_data":{"cluster":{"id":"talos-default","features":{},"kubernetes_version":"1.30.1","talos_version":"1.7.4"},"session":{"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","ip_address":"<snip>","user_id":"fa02ea7c-6eb1-491e-b053-b5db63a4384f","role":"Admin","email":"","fingerprint":"0263efb13f3b5016507ec11ba71a96f5fced3a4d"}}}

we can expand to it something readable:

  "event_type": "create",
  "resource_type": "",
  "event_ts": 1723466435280,
  "event_data": {
    "cluster": {
      "id": "talos-default",
      "features": {},
      "kubernetes_version": "1.30.1",
      "talos_version": "1.7.4"
    "session": {
      "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
      "ip_address": "<snip>",
      "user_id": "fa02ea7c-6eb1-491e-b053-b5db63a4384f",
      "role": "Admin",
      "email": "",
      "fingerprint": "0263efb13f3b5016507ec11ba71a96f5fced3a4d"

And go field by field:

  • "event_type" is event (resource access, k8s or talos access). Currently, there are seven event-types:

    • "create" — resource was created.

    • "update" — resource was updated using Update mechanism.

    • "update_with_conflicts" — resource was update using UpdateWithConflicts mechanism.

    • "destroy" — resource was destroyed.

    • "teardown" — resource is being torn down. Usually it means that resource will be destroyed soon.

    • "k8s_access" — k8s access event. Some user accessed kubernetes cluster.

    • "talos_access" — talos access event. Some user accessed talos cluster.

  • "resource_type" is the type of the resource.

  • "event_ts" is the timestamp of the event in milliseconds.

  • "event_data" is the data of the event. It is a JSON object with at least one of the following fields:

    • "session" is the session data. It describes the session of the user who performed the action. It is a JSON object with the following fields:

      • "user_agent" is the user agent. For actions that are perfomed by Omni itself it will be "Omni-Internal-Agent" and the rest of the fields will be empty.

      • "ip_address" is the IP address. For k8s_access this will be empty.

      • "user_id" is the user ID.

      • "role" is the role of the user.

      • "email" is the email of the user.

      • "fingerprint" is the fingerprint of the user.

    • "new_user" describes the newly created/edited or deleted user. It is a JSON object.

    • "machine" describes the machine. Currenly it logs when machine is created or destroyed. It is a JSON object.

    • "machine_labels" describes the machine labels. It is a JSON object.

    • "access_policy" describes the access policy. It is a JSON object.

    • "cluster" describes the cluster. It is a JSON object.

    • "machine_set" describes the cluster machine set. It is a JSON object.

    • "machine_set_node" describes the cluster machine set node. It is a JSON object.

    • "config_patch" describes the config patch. It is a JSON object.

    • "talos_access" describes the Talos access event. It is a JSON object with those fields:

      • "full_method_name" is the full method name that is being called on Talos side.

      • "cluster_name" is the name of the cluster.

      • "machine_ip" is the IP of the node.

    • "k8s_access" describes the kubernetes access event. It is a JSON object with those fields:

      • "full_method_name" is the full HTTP/2 method name that is being called on kubernetes side.

      • "command" is the command that is being called.

      • "body" is the body of the request if any.

      • "kube_session" is the session of the kubernetes user.

      • "cluster_name" is the name of the cluster.

      • "cluster_uuid" is the UUID of the cluster.

Supported resources.

Currently, we support the following resources:

  • — public keys.

  • — users.

  • — identities.

  • — machines.

  • — machine labels.

  • — access policies.

  • — clusters.

  • — machine sets.

  • — machine set nodes.

  • — config patches.

We also support logging access to k8s cluster using kubectl and co and accesing Talos nodes directly.

Last updated